Native RSS Plugin

The Plugin
This Native RSS Plugin will change the <language> tag of your blog-feeds from „en“ to the native language of your WP-installation by default. You can however, change the feed-language in the settings, e.g. if your blog is running in French, but you publish in Dutch. Nothing specific will change in the feed itself but your blog will be found easier by people using the language, you are actually writing in. Also it helps search engines to list your site correctly, if you provide the feed as a site map.
We are not publishing in English, but our feed says so. Because we didn’t find a nice way to change ‚rss_language‘ in the options database, we needed this plugin and you hopefully find it useful as well.
Current Version
The current version is 2.1 and has some more functionality for WP 3.3 (which turned obsolete in the final release of WP 3.3, sorry).
Change Log
2.0 Added some functionality to toolbar in WP 3.3beta (obsolete)
1.0 Initial release
To install the Native RSS Plugin simply download it here, unzip the file and upload the folder named „native-rss“ into the /wp-content/plugins folder of your blog.
Once you have done that, simply activate „Native RSS“ in your plugin panel.

If you use the plugin and like it, we appreciate a donation. If you find the plugin useful and like it very much, we appreciate your feedback even more.